Copyright 2010 - 2024. Liebelt Homes. All Rights Reserved.
Looking to sell your mobile home?
Please Email Us With The Following Information:

* Year, Make, Model
* Size
* Number of Bedrooms and Bathrooms
* Your Cash Price That Will Be Accepted For the Home
* Phone Number Where We Can Contact You
* City, State or Location of the Home
* Are You Ready To Sell Now? If Not, When?
1990-Present Models!
All Conditions Considered!
* NOTE: Move Out Date Is Flexible & Will Be Determined At the Time Of Purchase
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American Built - Family Owned Business! Celebrating 60 Years!
Liebelt Homes
West Highway 12, Aberdeen, SD
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**Home viewing hours vary from office hours.
Please make an appointment to avoid disappointment.
Monday - Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturdays: 9am - 5pm
Sundays: Closed
Homes shown by
appointment ONLY!
Call to schedule a viewing!